Brookwood Military Cemetery

Brookwood Military Cemetery covers approximately 37 acres and is the Commonwealth War Graves Commission's largest cemetery in the United Kingdom. It's origins lay within the original 'London Necropolis' cemetery at Brookwood, designed to accommodate the burial of civilians from London whose cemeteries were full. In 1917 an area of the cemetry was set asde for the burial of casualties from the Commonwealth and American forces who had died in London, many of whom had been evacuated from France after being seriously wounded. With the advent of World War Two there was a further need for cemetery space and the site was therefore further expanded. 

There are various sections; there is a large RAF section (which also includes the graves of some American and Czechoslovakian airmen who died whilst serving in the RAF); the cemetery register is housed in a shelter close by. 

A Canadian section contains the graves of circa 2,400 Canadians from WW2,  including 43 who died from wounds sustained in the Dieppe raid of August 1942. 


There are also some 1,601 Australian, New Zealand and other Commonwealth casualties buried in the Commonwealth sections, and there is an American section which is the responsibility of the American Battle Monuments Commission. 


The Cemetery also contains French, Polish, Czechoslovakian, Belgian, Italian and Muslim sections. 

Brookwood RAF Section 

Feel free to browse through my gallery images below.

Brookwood Belgian Section


Brookwood Canadian Section 


Brookwood Free French Section


Brookwood Muslim WW1 Plot