Arnhem Oosterbeek Cemetery

PLEASE NOTE : This website will be undergoing continual expansion and updating, please check back regularly for new content! 


PLEASE : let me know what you think of the website by using the CONTACT page to provide your feedback, all feedback will be gratefully received, many thanks.


Tell them of us... - about the project website

Born from my final major project (FMP) on my Master of Arts (MA) Photography degree with Falmouth University , this website is a continuation of that FMP and is intended to honour the Fallen of the First and Second World Wars, and the British and Commonwealth soldiers who have made the ultimate sacrifice since.  The site is intended to respectfully honour the courage and sacrifice of the Fallen, not in any way to glorify or justify war or to make political statement. 

The website will be a continually growing website, with new content and new sections added periodically. My intention is to have a page per cemetery or memorial visited, with possible pages dedicated to specific operations or campaigns, for example Op. INFATUATE - Walcheren 1944, Op. MARKET GARDEN - Arnhem September 1944, The Battle of Britain.  


There will be biography pages for selected casualties; some famous, some not, some awarded gallantry medals, some not, but  in eyes at least, heroes all. 


The project and this website take their name from a line in the Kohima Epitaph / Prayer:

When you go home, tell them of us and say

For your tomorrow, we gave our today.

(Attributed to John Maxwell Edmonds, and is thought to have been inspired by an epitaph writen by Greek poet Simonides of Ceos,  honouring the famous stand by the Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae, 480 BC.) 

I welcome feedback either using the Contact Page or emailed direct to Thank you.



CWGC website




IBCC Losses Database